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Découvrez notre Guide de Gestion de la Performance Sociale et Environnementale

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456 résultats

Case studies & Field examples

MiCrédito Nicaragua : Gestion de performance environnementale en pratique #6

Cet article illustre de quelle manière MiCrédito, au Nicaragua, met en œuvre sa Gestion de la Performance Environnementale, avec un focus particulier sur l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des communautés rurales.

Tools & Templates

Modèle d'agenda pour un audit de terrain en GPSE avec les outils de SPI Online

Exemple d'agenda pour un audit de terrain en gestion de la performance sociale et environnementale à l'aide des outils d'évaluation SPI Online.

Case studies & Field examples

Responsible Agricultural Investment: RAI Case Studies

This ressource gathers a series of case studies conducted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) in cooperation with ADA (Aide au Développement Autonome) to assess and analyze agribusinesses' performance and compliance with the CFS-RAI principles, using the RAI Tool for Agribusiness developed by IISD and Cerise+SPTF.


The Universal Standards Introduction Video (2015)

This video was developed in 2015 to present the Universal Standards for Social and Environmental Performance Management. Since then, the Universal Standards have been updated and the SPTF website has changed to the new Cerise+SPTF joint venture. But this video is still relevant to explain the core notions of social and environmental performance management.


Doing Good and Avoiding Harm

Research on Correlations between Social Performance Management Practices and Customer Outcomes in Inclusive Finance.

Cerise+SPTF’s latest research dives into how Social Performance Management (SPM) practices impact customer outcomes in inclusive finance. Led by Amelia Greenberg from Cerise+SPTF and Alasdair Lindsay-Walters from MFR, the study highlights that strong SPM practices—such as transparent communication and manageable loan sizes are correlated with positive customer outcomes. Contrarily, high annual percentage rates (APRs) and weak customer protection are correlated with linked to poorer outcomes. This research underscores the importance of adopting robust SPM practices to promote customer benefit while protecting them from harm.


Maximiser la voix des consommateurs dans l'élaboration des politiques relatives aux services financiers numériques

Disponible en anglais, français et espagnol - Ce rapport explore la manière dont les organisations de consommateurs peuvent influencer l'espace politique de plus en plus complexe de la finance numérique.