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Découvrez notre Guide de Gestion de la Performance Sociale et Environnementale

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464 résultats


The Drivers for Better Outcomes: How Social and Environmental Performance Management practices can be most closely linked to better customer outcomes.

Powerpoint presentation at the 2022 European Microfinance Week featuring insights from Cerise, 60 Decibels and Oikocredit regarding aligning outcomes indicators with practices and the SDGs.

Case studies & Field examples

Génesis Empresarial Implements Outcomes Management by Client Segment

This brief summarizes Fundación Génesis Empresarial's experience developing a client outcomes management system by client segment as presented during the SPTF Outcomes Working Group meeting 17 Jan 2018.


Faire valoir l'intérêt de la gestion par les résultats auprès des prestataires de services financiers

Cette ressource présente les argument en faveur de la gestion des résultats par les prestataires de services financiers (PSF). Pourquoi la gestion des résultats est-elle essentielle pour toute institution ayant une mission sociale ? Plus précisément, comment un PSF peut-il utiliser les données relatives de résultats au niveau des clients pour prendre des décisions qui renforcent ses performances, tant sur le plan financier que social ? Comprendre cela peut aider l'institution à obtenir l'adhésion de l'organisation et à encourager le conseil d'administration et la direction à agir.


Guidelines on Outcomes Management for Financial Service Providers

Following on from the brief Making the Case for Outcomes Management to Financial Service Providers, which presented the "why" and the "what for" of outcomes management, these guidelines set out the "how": how to do outcomes management in a practical, credible, "reasonable cost" way. The guidance is founded on lessons learned from a number of financial service providers (FSPs) and other stakeholders who have experience with outcomes data collection, analysis, and reporting. The information presented here draws on best practice so far, with a focus on identifying what is necessary and useful, as well as the pitfalls to avoid.