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Découvrez notre Guide de Gestion de la Performance Sociale et Environnementale

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463 résultats

Tools & Templates

Feuille de travail et exemple de document résumant les informations essentielles

Cette ressource vous présente un bon et un mauvais exemple de feuille de travail pour résumer les informations essentielles.


Social Performance Risks to Monitor

Examples of common social performance-related risks and how to monitor them.

Case studies & Field examples

Case Study - Fondo Esperanza: Using Outcomes Data to Drive Performance

Describes Fondo Esperanza's comprehensive outcomes management system that emphasizes the collection of accurate, relevant data that are reported widely to both internal and external stakeholders.


Client Voices Synthesis Report: Flexibility, Empathy, and Knowledge: What Clients Want From Microfinance in Benin, Pakistan, Peru, And Georgia

This synthesis report presents the voices of low-income individuals who shared with Smart Campaign their opinions, hopes, and struggles.


The Universal Standards Introduction Video (2015)

This video was developed in 2015 to present the Universal Standards for Social and Environmental Performance Management. Since then, the Universal Standards have been updated and the SPTF website has changed to the new Cerise+SPTF joint venture. But this video is still relevant to explain the core notions of social and environmental performance management.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Help Your Employees Adapt to Digital Transformation Presentation

Presentation accompanying a webinar jointly organized by SPTF and the ILO, speakers from Wing (Cambodia), and FINCA DRC addressed how to manage human resources responsibly during digital transformation, how to motivate and support employees for success when their job roles and responsibilities are shifting, and how HR structure and management is different in a digitalized FSP versus a traditional financial institution.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Listening to Employees as a Business Strategy Brief

Employee satisfaction and feedback are an often-overlooked asset for your business. Employees know the most about your customers and can be a wealth of ideas for improving your operations and human resource development. Are you making the most of their feedback? This brief summarizes the webinar that explores these questions with speakers from Fundación Paraguaya, Crystal (Georgia), and VisionFund Mexico.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Listening to Employees as a Business Strategy Presentation

Employee satisfaction and feedback are an often-overlooked asset for your business. Employees know the most about your customers and can be a wealth of ideas for improving your operations and human resource development. Are you making the most of their feedback? This presentation accompanies the webinar that explores these questions with speakers from Fundación Paraguaya, Crystal (Georgia), and VisionFund Mexico.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Using Client Feedback to Inform Product Design Presentation

Presentations used in a webinar on Dimension 3 of the Universal Standards, Client-centric Products and Services, and in particular on using client feedback to inform product design. Representatives from Entrepreneurs du Monde and its partner Anh Chi Em (ACE), located in Vietnam, discuss a recent client satisfaction survey that ACE implemented and how they are applying survey results to future product decisions. Representatives from the Terwilliger Center of Habitat for Humanity International and from Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (NWTF), located in the Philippines, share lessons learned from their work to develop a new housing product, focusing in particular on the product design phase.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Using Client Feedback to Inform Product Design Brief

This brief summarizes a webinar on Dimension 3 of the Universal Standards, Client-centric Products and Services, and in particular on using client feedback to inform product design. Representatives from Entrepreneurs du Monde and its partner Anh Chi Em (ACE), located in Vietnam, discuss a recent client satisfaction survey that ACE implemented and how they are applying survey results to future product decisions. Representatives from the Terwilliger Center of Habitat for Humanity International and from Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (NWTF), located in the Philippines, share lessons learned from their work to develop a new housing product, focusing in particular on the product design phase.