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Découvrez notre Guide de Gestion de la Performance Sociale et Environnementale


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437 résultats

Tools & Templates

Social and Environmental Management Guidance for Micro Finance Institutions - Part B. Field Guide

This practical guide published by FMO includes sector factsheets to help MFI staff identify the main social and environmental risks of 24 key sectors (eg. agriculture, fishing, restaurant, transport, handicrafts, etc.). Each factsheet also offers areas for improvement to suggest to clients.

Case studies & Field examples

Caja Morelia Valladolid Protects Client Data

Describes the system upgrades performed by Caja Morelia to increase data security and protect client data and privacy. Is drawn from a more in-depth case "Customized IT at Caja Morelia Safeguards Client Data".

Case studies & Field examples

Tameer Bank Creates a Client Complaints Mechanism

Describes how Tameer Bank set up its Customer Service Unit to respond to client questions and complaints during a deliquency crisis.

Training sessions & Material

Financial Education Trainer's Guide Financial Education for the enabling APR/EIR Program--MFTransparency

These financial education learning sessions were developed as a key activity for MicroFinance Transparency’s project called enabling Africa to Price Responsibly and Educate on Interest Rates (enabling APR/EIR Program). The goal of the Trainer’s Guide is to provide face-to-face learning sessions that allow any organization or institution – a financial institution, community-based organization, government institution, non-profit or non-governmental organization – to educate borrowers and potential borrowers about interest rates. It is especially geared towards contexts found in Africa.
Training sessions & Material

Financial Education Trainer's Guide Kit of Images--MFT Transparency

These images accompany the English version of the MFTransparency FINANCIAL EDUCATION TRAINER’S GUIDE Financial Education for the enabling APR/EIR Program--MFTransparency.

Case studies & Field examples

How Unauthorized Data Sharing Can Hurt Your Institution

Fictionalized story based on real events in India that demonstrate the risks of using client data and images without consent

Case studies & Field examples

Advertise Questions and Complaints

Example of a poster made by Attawfiq Micro-Finance (Morocco) to inform clients about how to make their complaints.


Using Global Data to Calculate Market Potential

Explains a method for using Global Findex data to estimate the market size.

Case studies & Field examples

Financial Service Providers in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina Monitor Market Saturation and Over-indebtedness Risk

Provides 2 examples of practices financial service providers use to detect over-indebtedness and market saturation risk.

Case studies & Field examples

Incofin Defines Responsible Growth

Briefly explains how Incofin's investment strategy takes into account different definitions of "responsible growth" according to financial service provider and market conditions.