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Guide GPSE

Découvrez notre Guide de Gestion de la Performance Sociale et Environnementale


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437 résultats

Case studies & Field examples

Компартамос: Создание корпоративной культуры на основе Кодекса этики Building Institutional Culture Around a Code of Ethics at Compartamos--Russian

Case describing system of training and staff mentoring that seek to ensure alignment and adherence to code of ethics among Compartamos staff even in the face of rapid growth.

Tools & Templates

Sample Data Privacy Agreement and Sample Privacy Agreement

Example of a privacy statement and data privacy agreement that can be adapted to local laws and norms.

Tools & Templates

Sample Consent Form for Sharing Client Data

Example of a client consent form for use of data.

Case studies & Field examples

FINCA Azerbaijan Protecting client privacy, increasing client trust

Describes FINCA Azerbaijan's client data privacy system including secure storage and protocols for physical files, data use disclosures, client consent, confidentiality requirements, staff training and digital data security protocols.

Case studies & Field examples

Customized IT at Caja Morelia Safeguards Client Data

Provides an overview of Caja Morelia's experience designing a customized IT system which, among other things, protects client data.

Case studies & Field examples

Mechanism for complaint resolution (Svasti Microfinance, India)

This document is an excerpt from a training for branch managers on the Customer Grievance Redress system for Svasti Microfinance in Inda. It includes a flowchart describing the way the complaint is handled depending on the nature and content of the complaint.

Case studies & Field examples

Responding to Client Complaints at Tameer Bank, Pakistan

Case example describing Tameer Bank's experience setting up and operating a Customer Service Unit to respond to client questions and complaints.

Tools & Templates

RICHES Toolkit, Phase 1: Risk Assessments - Evaluating Your Organization’s Risks of Harmful Work for Children and Adults

Evaluate potential risks and unintended consequences of harmful work for children (child labor) and adults within specific contexts, programs, and women’s businesses. To raise awareness and encourage action of women's economic empowerment actors to diagnose and mitigate safety and health risks within women’s businesses.

Tools & Templates

RICHES Toolkit, Phase 1: Social Performance Management Guide

Improve social performance management towards a stronger, Do No Harm approach. Through the use of this guide, WEE Actor management-level staff will have:

• Identified areas of performance improvement which demonstrate intent, commitment, and processes for mitigating the risks of potential unintended consequences of WEE programming.

• Have accessed validated survey questions that can be added to participant satisfaction, exit, or outcomes surveys to measure and monitor whether a participant is resorting to harmful coping mechanisms or experiencing the unintended consequences of WEE programming.

• Considered safeguarding and gender policy and code of conduct language that can be adopted or adapted to demonstrate organizational intent to do no harm and commitment to gender equity and equality.

Tools & Templates

Risques environnementaux et sociaux par secteur d’activité fiches sectorielles

Le site web FIRST for Sustainability propose une série de fiches sectorielles qui identifient le niveau de risques environnementaux et sociaux pour 28 secteurs clés.