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Tools & Templates
Présentation pour la réunion de restitution de l'audit SPI
Vous êtes prêts à présenter les résultats préliminaires de votre évaluation SPI à la direction de l’institution : voici un modèle de présentation pour une réunion de restitution des résultats.
Tools & Templates
Lettre de présentation de l'audit SPI
Un modèle de lettre pour présenter l’audit SPI aux partenaires.
Tools & Templates
Présentation pour la réunion d'ouverture de l'audit SPI
Lancez l’audit avec une réunion d’ouverture pour introduire la GPS et les objectifs de l’audit SPI. Voici un modèle de présentation (à personnaliser selon vos besoins).
Tools & Templates
Rapport de synthèse de l'audit SPI
Voici un modèle de rapport de synthèse des résultats de l’audit SPI4, qui analyse les forces et les faiblesses par dimension.
Tools & Templates
Termes de Référence pour un audit SPI
Modèle de termes de référence (à modifier) pour conduire un audit externe SPI.
The Business Case for Customer Centricity
This Brief helps to guide financial services providers (FSPs) in making informed decisions around customer centricity that are grounded in an understanding of the costs and benefits for the organization and what it means for customers.
Understanding and Measuring Women's Economic Empowerment
This document addresses key questions essential to design meaningful strategies that will lead to women’s economic empowerment. It presents: 1. A definition of women’s economic empowerment; 2. A measurement framework that can guide the design, implementation and evaluation of programs to economically empower women; and 3. A set of illustrative indicators that can serve as concrete examples for developing meaningful metrics for success. The concepts presented are meant to help practitioners, researchers and donors design effective, measurable interventions to advance women economically. In developing these concepts, ICRW has drawn both on the available literature and on ICRW’s direct experience in evaluating women’s economic empowerment programs. This document is intended as a conceptual guide, rather than an operational tool kit. Economic empowerment is a complex process, and the general framework presented here will have to be adapted to meet the needs of specific projects.
Case studies & Field examples
Voluntary Savings Product Design on Clients Needs
Example of the research and analysis that should be done to design a voluntary savings product that responds to client needs.
Consumer Pricing Education Animation - Auntie Need a Loan
This short video by MicroFinance Transparency aims to help Inclusive Finance stakeholders to convey important pricing transparency and consumer protection messages.
Case studies & Field examples
Nordic Microfinance Initiative's Board Participation in Svasti
Nordic Microfinance Initiative's (NMI) board representative to Svasti explains NMI's approach to agreeing to and monitoring social goals and strategy. Example of active board engagement in social performance management and social strategy.