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463 résultats

Case studies & Field examples

Al Majmoua Trains Employees on SPM Topics

Al Majmoua mixes classroom based training with field-based training to achieve greater consistency in quality of service and application of policies.

Case studies & Field examples

Sample Loan Officer SPM Evaluation Criteria Table

Examples of typical social performance management-related responsibilities and sample criteria that can be used to evaluate performance.


COVID-19 Client Interview Tool Data Insights and Recommendations for Funders, FSPs, and Regulators

Summarizes the findings of the surveys conducted with SPTF's COVID-19 interview tool along with the recommendations that came out of the roundtable discussion.


CGAP Occasional Paper 1 Les taux d'intérêt applicables aux microcrédits

Ce document fournit des conseils techniques sur la fixation d'un taux d'intérêt durable, le calcul du taux d'intérêt effectif et la transparence des prix.


Assessing Responsible Pricing for Inclusive Finance Providers

This paper analyzes the validity and usefulness of the 2016 responsibility pricing analysis model and recommends some adjustments.

Case studies & Field examples

Over-indebtedness Case Study: Bangladesh

Brief summary of the experience of the 4 largest microfinance providers in Bangladesh each individually taking action to limit growth. Though they couldn't agree on collective action, their individual actions helped avert an over-indebtedness crisis in 2008.


Detecting and Monitoring Over-indebtedness Risk in the Market

Lists signs and indicators to look for to identify if there is over-indebtedness in your portfolio or market.

Case studies & Field examples

KASHF Foundation Monitors Risk Using Client Interviews

KASHF Foundation interivews a sample of clients to help monitor risks.

Case studies & Field examples

MicroLoan Foundation Responds to Missed Outreach Targets by Reducing Barriers

Provides an example of how MicroLoan Foundation used information that it wasn't reaching its target clients to adjust product design and staff training.

Case studies & Field examples

Examples of Social Targets for Senior Managers

Sample social targets that providers might set for their senior managers.