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Guía para el diseño de un Sistema de Administración de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales (SARAS)

Este guía desarrollado por el BID provee orientación para diseñar un Sistema de Administración de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales (SARAS). Se enfoca en los potenciales impactos negativos generados al nivel de la cartera, y cómo evaluar y mitigar estos riesgos.


Flat Versus Declining Balance Interest Rates What is the Difference

This article explains the concept of interest, the different methods used to calculate it and some industry standards for disclosure. It focuses particularly on the difference between interest calculated on a declining balance and a "flat" interest rate calculation.

Tools & Templates

Learning from Clients - Assessment Tools for Microfinance Practitioners

This manual offers practical, detailed, step-by-step guidance to interested and committed organizations willing to invest staff time and a moderate amount of financial
resources to gain a deeper understanding of their programs. It offerspractice tools for mid-range impact assessment including: • Detailed guidance—written by and for practitioners—for planning and implementing impact assessments and for analyzing all data generated; • A coherent set of quantitative and qualitative tools that address the most common hypotheses that undergird microfinance programs; • Clear explanations of indicators and measures used, along with supplementary discussions of additional sets of potential interest to individual users, and • Methods that provide information on impact and client satisfaction and that result in specific feedback for program improvement.

Tools & Templates

Potable water client survey from Alternativa, Peru

Ejemplo de una encuesta utilizada en Perú para comprender la disponibilidad, accesibilidad y uso del agua potable entre los clientes para informar el diseño de productos para mejorar el acceso al agua potable

Tools & Templates

Kashf Foundation SPM Dashboard

Example of an SPM dashboard used by KASHF Foundation


Acumen's Lean Data Field Guide-Tips For Collecting Customer Data to Build More Impactful Businesses

This document is designed to serve as a field guide to help you conduct projects using Acumen's Lean Data approach. It is meant to be practical and action oriented. The approach involves two main elements: 1) A shift in mindset away from reporting and compliance and toward creating value for a company and its customers and 2) The use of methods and technologies for data collection that emphasize efficiency and rapid response while still achieving a sufficient degree of rigor.


Guidelines on Outcomes Management for Investors

These guidelines for integrating outcomes measurement, analysis, and reporting into the operations of microfinance investors, asset managers, and other funders (hereinafter "guidelines") are the result of the work of the e-MFP Social Performance Outcomes Action Group, a collaborative effort of a group of responsible investors and other stakeholders that was created as a result of a partnership between the Social Performance Task Force (SPTF) and the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP). The work on the guidelines has been coordinated by the SPTF Outcomes Working Group in parallel with the development of three resources for financial service providers (FSPs): 1) a "making the case" brief that describes how outcomes data are useful and even essential to an FSP's financial and social performance; 2) "how-to" guidelines for FSPs that describe ten steps for implementing strong outcomes management; and 3) a harmonized menu of key outcome indicators.


Engaging All Affected Stakeholders: Guidance for investors, Funders, and Organizations

Impact investments intend to generate a positive social and/or environmental return to certain sectors, communities, and/or populations alongside their financial returns. To truly understand the extent to which impact and value are created, to identify the risk of negative impact and unintended outcomes, and to uncover ways of maximizing social and/or environmental value creation, it is critical to engage with all affected stakeholders. This document provides guidance on some of the ways in which different types of stakeholders can be identified and engaged.


L'agriculture Ouest-Africaine face au changement climatique

Cette publication, publiée par UNEP-MeBA, présente les principaux enjeux liés au changement climatique pour l'agriculture en Afrique de l'Ouest et analyse le rôle que peut jouer la microfinance dans l'adoption de solutions d'adaptation fondées sur les écosystèmes. Elle a été conçue comme un outil de soutien pour aider les décideurs au sein des IMF à mettre au point des produits financiers et du matériel de promotion adaptés.

Voir la publication sur le site de UNEP-MeBA


La agricultura de Centroamérica y el Caribe frente al cambio climático

Esta publicación por UNEP-MeBA presenta los principales problemas relacionados con el cambio climático para la agricultura de Centroamérica y el Caribe y analiza el papel que pueden desempeñar las microfinanzas en la adopción de soluciones de adaptación basadas en los ecosistemas. Ha sido diseñada como una herramienta para ayudar a los tomadores de decisiones dentro de las microfinanzas a desarrollar productos financieros y materiales promocionales apropiados.

Ver la publicación en el sitio web de UNEP-MeBA