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464 résultats

Case studies & Field examples

Access to finance for Renewable Energy technologies - Lessons learned

This note, published by IFAD, synthesizes the lessons learned worldwide in inclusive rural finance projects focused on access to renewable energy technologies.


Access to finance for Renewable Energy technologies - How to do

This note, published by IFAD, provides guidance on how to develop financial services for access to renewable energy technologies in rural areas. It focuses on end-user finance for individual/stand-alone RE solutions for rural households, smallholder farmers, and rural micro, small and medium enterprises. The note provides specific recommendations to FSPs for financial product design and project implementation.


A Guide to Digitalization: Steps to Launch Digital Financial Services with a Client-Centric Approach

Guide details a client-centric approach to digitalization based on the experiences of a group of Ecuadorian providers.

Tools & Templates

UBTEC Identification des pratiques agroécologiques

Cette grille d'identification des pratiques agroécologiques permet d'évaluer le niveau d'adoption de pratiques plus écologiques par les clients de prêts agricoles. Il s'agit d'un outil en phase de test, adapté au contexte d'intervention spécifique de l'UBTEC (au Burkina Faso).


60 Decibels Microfinance Index Report

This report creates a new benchmark that consists of the data from 72 microfinance institutions from this year’s cohort. For each indicator included in our Index, we calculated the average performance of the participating microfinance institutions, weighing each MFI’s performance equally. The benchmark figure itself is the mean
or average. These benchmarks are at the heart of this report and they give the clearest picture of what social outcomes are, and are not, being achieved by MFIs.


Cómo desarrollar resiliencia en organizaciones de finanzas inclusivas

Este documento presenta una guía para el desarrollo de resiliencia en organizaciones de finanzas inclusivas, la cual está basada en la experiencia de doce (12) organizaciones de seis (6) países de América Latina. También considera el marco conceptual de tres fuentes importantes, que se enumeran en la sección Referencias.


Building Resilience in Inclusive Finance Organizations

This document presents a guide for building resilience in inclusive finance organizations based on the experience of twelve (12) organizations from six (6) Latin American countries. It also considers the conceptual framework from three important sources, which are listed in the References section.


Building the Green Economy Trends and Opportunities for Green Entrepreneurship in India

This report provides an overview of green entrepreneurship opportunities in India by identifying several green sectors, specifying theur current state of development, and assessing the potential market.


Building the Green Economy Trends and Opportunities for Green Entrepreneurship in Kenya

This report provides an overview of green entrepreneurship opportunities in Kenya, by identifying several green sectors, specifying theur current state of development, and assessing the potential market.

Tools & Templates

Herramienta de categorización por nivel de riesgos sociales y ambientales

Esta herramienta dessarrollada por el BID permite categorizar les préstamos segun el nivel de riesgos sociales y ambientales (impactos negativos potenciales).