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453 résultats


The Role of Investors in Promoting Social Performance in Microfinance

This publication provides an overview of the results of social investor surveys and meetings conducted from 2006-2008 and presents some selected cases that illustrate how social investors integrate social performance governance and management in their daily operations.


Organisations professionnelles agricoles et institutions financières rurales

Ce guide opérationnel se veut un outil d’appui à la construction du partenariat entre organisations professionnelles agricoles et rurales, et institutions financières. Il est issu de travaux de recherche, d’appui au développement et de formations conduits principalement en Afrique de l’Ouest et à Madagascar dans les dix dernières années, avec des éclairages développés plus récemment sur l’Asie du Sud-Est et l’Amérique latine.

Tools & Templates

Le préfinancement des commandes dans la filière commerce équitable

Cette publication est issue d’une étude commanditée en 2014 par la Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Equitable (PFCE), en partenariat avec l’association Max Havelaar France et l’entreprise Ethiquable, sur les pratiques de préfinancement des campagnes de production agricoles dans les filières du commerce équitable. Cette étude donné lieu à la réalisation de ces fiches techniques présentant l’offre de 11 organismes financiers et 2 outils financiers innovants, le financement participatif et l’épargne salariale. Il a également permis de formuler des recommandations pour valoriser, améliorer et diffuser ces bonnes pratiques.


The Universal Standards for Social Performance Management - Where do we go from here?

This brief aims to distill lessons from the last five years (2013-2017) implementing the Universal Standards. It draws on feedback from trainings, audits, and upgrade projects conducted under the two funding facilities created to promote responsible finance: the Social Performance Fund (SP Fund) and the Responsible Microfinance Facility (RMF). It also draws on responses from online surveys conducted by CERISE in early 2018 with 22 FSPs, 12 investors, 80 SPI4 qualified auditors6 and 7 national networks7. In addition, the analysis integrates feedback from investors at the SPTF Social Investor working group meetings (India, February 2018 and Luxembourg, June 2018), on how in general the Universal Standards can shape and strengthen investors’ operations and strategies for responsible investment. CERISE, MFC and SPTF have coordinated the analysis, based on their direct involvement in the management or support of SPI4 users.

Tools & Templates

Social Performance Management Board Committee : Terms of Reference Example

Anonymized example of a terms of reference for a board social performance management committee.


The Business Case for Customer Centricity

This Brief helps to guide financial services providers (FSPs) in making informed decisions around customer centricity that are grounded in an understanding of the costs and benefits for the organization and what it means for customers.


Understanding and Measuring Women's Economic Empowerment

This document addresses key questions essential to design meaningful strategies that will lead to women’s economic empowerment. It presents: 1. A definition of women’s economic empowerment; 2. A measurement framework that can guide the design, implementation and evaluation of programs to economically empower women; and 3. A set of illustrative indicators that can serve as concrete examples for developing meaningful metrics for success. The concepts presented are meant to help practitioners, researchers and donors design effective, measurable interventions to advance women economically. In developing these concepts, ICRW has drawn both on the available literature and on ICRW’s direct experience in evaluating women’s economic empowerment programs. This document is intended as a conceptual guide, rather than an operational tool kit. Economic empowerment is a complex process, and the general framework presented here will have to be adapted to meet the needs of specific projects.


Tutoriels Vidéos SPI Online

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Tools & Templates

A sample template for health and safey risk assessments

This is a template for a workplace risk assessment, one of the key tools for improving occupational safety and health conditions at work. It plays an important role in protecting workers and businesses, as well as complying with the laws in many countries. It helps everyone focus on the risks that really matter in the workplace – the ones with the potential to cause real harm.

Tools & Templates

Grameen Foundation’s Human Capital Management (HCM) Assessment tool

This blueprint tool has been developed by Grameen Foundation’s Human Capital Center with the intent to scale the implementation of the Human Capital Management (HCM) Assessment Tool. The HCM Assessment serves as the starting point for aligning an organization’s human capital management practices to its business strategy – ultimately assisting the institution to better serve greater numbers of the world's poorest people.